
This resource addresses both Year 2 and Year 3 Australian Curriculum History content. Years 2 and 3 students should complete activities 1, 2 and 4 and the relevant section of activity 3 which is differentiated for the two years.

Year 2

Content descriptions and elaborations

Historical Knowledge and Understanding

The past in the present

Content description:

The history of a significant person, building, site or part of the natural environment in the local community and what it reveals about the past (ACHHK044)


  • using the internet, newspapers, community information guides and local knowledge to identify and list the people promoted as being of historic interest in the local community
  • investigating the history of a chosen person in the local community using sources (for example books, newspapers, oral histories, audio visual material, digital sources, letters, photographs) and relating a story which these reveal about the past

Historical Skills

Chronology terms and concepts

Content description:

Distinguish between the past, present and future (ACHHS048)


  • using terms to denote the passing of time in speech and writing (for example ‘in the past’, ‘years ago’, ‘the olden days’, ‘in the future’)
  • identifying signs of the past in photographs and other visual representations and using the correct term for these features – for example ‘war memorial’, ‘museum’

Historical questions and research

Content description:

Pose questions about the past using sources provided (ACHHS049)


  • developing inquiry questions about a site (for example ‘What does it look like now?’, ‘What condition is it in?’, ‘How might its use have changed?’, ‘What was its purpose?’, ‘How was it built/created?’, ‘How was it paid for?’, ‘What is its use and importance in the present?’)
  • structuring questions using appropriate verb tenses (for example in the question: ‘What games did children play before electricity?’, the helping verb ‘did’ is in the past

Analysis and use of sources

Content description:

Explore a range of sources about the past (ACHHS050)


  • locating historical evidence of the local community including signs of the past in the present (for example place and street names, monuments, built and non-built historical landmarks)
  • examining sources such as photographs, newspapers, stories and maps to learn about the past (some of these may be online and can be located through state and local library websites)

Explanation and communication

Content description:

Develop a narrative about the past (ACHHS053)


  • describing a significant person or place from their community's past (for example a short report on a building of significance describing when, where, why, who built it, and why it is valued; or a narrative on a significant individual)

Content description:

Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written, role play) and digital technologies (ACHHS054)


  • representing ideas and creating imaginative responses through visual images as well as written and spoken descriptions and narratives

General capabilities


Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing

  • Navigate, read and view learning area texts
  • Interpret and analyse learning area texts
  • Listen and respond to learning area texts
  • Comprehend texts

Grammar knowledge

  • Use knowledge of sentence

Word Knowledge

  • Understand learning area vocabulary

Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating

  • Compose texts
  • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
  • Use language to interact with others

Information and communication technology capability

Investigating with ICT

  • Locate, generate and access data and information
  • Define and plan information searches

Creating with ICT

  • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

Critical and creative thinking

  • Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas
  • Pose questions
  • Organise and process information
  • Identify and clarify information and ideas

Year 3 History

Content descriptions and elaborations

Historical Knowledge and Understanding

Community and Remembrance

Content description:

The role that people of diverse backgrounds have played in the development and character of the local community (ACHHK062)


  • using local sites, museums and online collections for the local area to identify the cultural groups within the local community and their influence over time (for example as reflected in architecture, commercial outlets and religious buildings) and comparing the development of the local community with another community

Historical Skills

Historical questions and research

Content description:

Pose a range of questions about the past (ACHHS067)


  • posing appropriate questions when investigating the contribution that individuals and groups have made to the development of the local community (‘Who?’, ‘What?’, ‘When?’, ‘Where?’, ‘Why?’)

Content description:

Identify sources (ACHHS215)


  • identifying sources to investigate change in the community in the past, such as photographs, maps, and the remains of buildings

Analysis and use of sources

Content description:

Locate relevant information from sources provided (ACHHS068)


  • analysing a range of sources (for example photographs, maps, oral histories) to locate information about the people, places and events in their community's present and past
  • using information technologies to organise information and make connections (for example creating tables in word processing software, concept mapping)

Explanation and communication

Content description:

Develop texts, particularly narratives (ACHHS070)


  • writing narratives about the community's past based on researched facts, characters and events
  • composing historical texts (for example a narrative on a noteworthy individual or group, a report on a significant event)

Content description:

Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies (ACHHS071)


  • creating and editing a presentation (for example one that includes text, images and sounds) to record and explain the past
  • creating an oral, written, pictorial or digital representation to reflect the diverse ‘character’ of the community today

General capabilities


Word knowledge

  • Understand learning area vocabulary
  • Use spelling knowledge

Grammar knowledge

  • Use knowledge of sentence structures
  • Use knowledge of words and word groups

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing

  • Comprehend texts
  • Interpret and analyse learning area texts
  • Navigate, read and view learning area texts

Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating

  • Use language to interact with others
  • Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts
  • Compose texts

Text knowledge

  • Use knowledge of text structures

Visual knowledge

  • Understand how visual elements create meaning

Critical and creative thinking

Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas

  • Identify and clarify information and ideas
  • Organise and process information

Generating ideas, possibilities and actions

  • Consider alternatives

Information and communication technology

Investigating with ICT

  • Locate, generate and access data and information

Creating with ICT

  • Generate ideas, plans and processes
  • Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks

Intercultural understanding

Recognising culture and developing respect

  • Explore and compare cultural knowledge, beliefs and practices
  • Investigate culture and cultural identity
  • Develop respect for cultural diversity